🥊 The short Punchline
Campaigns give you the ability to share your entire video-tour portfolio or custom-curated collections through unique links that can be shared directly with a group of people through email, messaging services, or printed as QR codes for neighbourhood signs that you want to target, measure and capture more Leads from.
🤔 Why do I need this & Why should I care
Many of our agents love to micro-target small geographical areas, or showcase a select number of well targeted spaces to a group of people that share similar buyer/renter characteristics. Campaigns lets you on one hand filter out the noise for your clients through custom listing curation, precisely measure the interest & conversion rates of that specific group or geographical area, and convert all users as individual Leads when they input details to wishlist spaces, reach out via email, or access a private collection ( more on private collections here )
📲 Show and Tell
1. Creating Campaigns & Curating Spaces
Campaigns can be created customised from the My CRM screen, under the Campaigns Tab. You can choose if your prospects have access to view your entire portfolio, or you can curate the listings they will be able to scroll through.
Unique links can be made private, such that any viewer that receives the link must first register their email address, name and phone number ( optional ) before getting access to see the video tours.

2. Measuring Campaign Performance
Every Campaign Link has individual metrics that are updated real-time ranging from total viewings, the times when these views are recorded, the online sources from which the viewers come from, the top viewed spaces in your shared collection, how many leads this link captured and at what times during a day do people usually convert.